Friday, September 23, 2016

Gymnastics in Room 5 and 6

We have been learning how to do backwards rolls in Gymnastics.  
We have also been learning how to balance, jump and land, use ribbons, do handstands and cartwheels.
Lots of fun was hard by all!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Static Electricity

We have been learning about static electricity.  We learnt that everything has atoms.  Atoms have a negative and positive charge.  If we activate the charge by rubbing it (making them hot) then cause electricity!  We tested what made the best or the strongest static electricity by rubbing them on all different types of clothes but, we found rubbing the balloon on our head was the best!

 Then came our experiments!  

We made as much static as we could and then we were off experimenting.  We rubbed and then watched as we were able to pick up sand, glitter, crape paper and cellophane!

We were disappointed that we couldn't make the balloon stick to the wall but were wowed when it rose up to travel towards a magnet!!

We couldn't see the static on the balloon but we could see it when our hair stood up!

We had lots of fun!  If you have a question, let us know :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The OO sound poetry

This week we are looking at the oo sound.

In class we made up these poems with the words with an oo sound...

The broom
Is on the moon,
In it's room,
With the spoon.
By Connor, Ashton and Chloe

I lost my tooth,
In my room,
With the broom
And the spoon
Because of my food.
By Jackson and Brooke

I watched my boot
Do a dramatic droop,
On my high roof,
Then it went poof!
By Mrs Mac and Athena

Monday, September 5, 2016

Acrostic Poem

We have been learning how to write an acrostic poem. Here is Athena's example with the topic being Olympics.

WALT write with Who, What, Where, When and Why

We have been learning about extending sentences using who, what, where, when, why or how to prompt us.   When we plan we have to make sure that each one is covered with either labels or added in with words.
For example:

Here is Rielly's first sentence:

On Saturday, after lunch, I went with my family to the Esplande and the first thing we went on was the playground at the start of the park.

Here is Bethany's first sentence

Once upon a time, there was a magical girl called Ella who by accident opened a secret passage that lead to Imagination Land.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Fraction Quiz - take our quiz and test your skills!!

Fraction Quiz

We have been learning about fractions.

What we have found interesting is that the more you cut a whole, the bigger the bottom number becomes.  For example, if we cut an orange in half the bottom number is 2.
But if we cut it into 8 pieces and give you one, then the bottom number is bigger  - 1/8 - but the pieces are SMALLER.

Also, why isn't quarters called fourths?  We wondered why, when there are thirds, fifths, sixths etc...

Well, the reason is because the French number four is quatre - and the Latin is quartarius and together they make the word quarter - four parts.

Hope you enjoy our Fractions test... let us know what you scored!!

Friday, September 2, 2016

On a Thursday afternoon we have been doing Winter Ball Skills.

One of our specific learning outcomes is;

To be able to throw/pass a ball (Rugby/Netball/Basketball)

 stepping forward to release the ball

passing it accurately to a buddy (eyes on target)

hold it correctly

Well done Levon!